☆ 新任講師の紹介
先月号でお知らせ致しました退職するThomas Elgood(トーマス先生)の後任のVanessa Webb(バネッサ先生)を紹介します。昨年末までの7年間、韓国の小学校や英会話学校で英語を教えていました。講師の研修は十分行い、生徒の皆様に不安を与える事が無いよう努めますので、何卒ご理解を賜ります様、宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Hello my name is Vanessa Webb. I’m very happy to say I will be teaching here at Pumpkin English School commencing this March. I’m from Australia and I love living a healthy active lifestyle. I’m excited to be teaching and living here in Miyazaki as it seems like a friendly and healthy place to live with the beautiful ocean, mountains and plenty of fresh farm food. I have been teaching English for the past 7 years in South Korea and it was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to getting to know my new students and colleagues, developing more teaching skills and learning about the Japanese culture.